Investment opportunities

The current priorities investment sector included but not limited to:

  • Agriculture and Agri – Business
  • Physical Infrastructures
  • Social Infrastructures including but not limited to Schools and hospitals.
  • Oil and Gas
  • Energy and Electricity
  • Small and medium heavy Manufacturing Industries
  • Mining and Quarrying
  • Research for mapping Natural resources for economic use
  • Financial institution, Commerce banks, Insurances and property mgt
  • Forestry for both forestry products and non timber products
  • Transport and storage facilities
  • Telecommunication and information technologies
  • Pharmaceutical, chemical, medical and surgical industry
  • Tourism,  and hospitality  industry

Benefits to Foreign Investors

  • Access to Land: Land shall be provided by RSS and/ or the Local Authorities.
  • Licenses – An Investment Certificate issued by the Investment Authority entitles the investor to invest in the priority area of choice.
  • Entry/Work Permits – An Investment Certificate entitles the investor
  • to entry/work permits for their designated managers. The first permits will be issued free of charge and are valid for two years.
  • Duty Exemptions – Agricultural imports, tools, equipment, machinery and tractors, pharmaceutical, animal feeds, seeds for boosting food and cash crop roduction shall be exempt from any duties and taxes for a period that shall be determined by the law
  • Tax Incentives – Incentives include capital allowances ranging from 20 percent to 100 percent; deductible annual allowances ranging from 20 percent to 40 percent; and other depreciation allowances ranging from 8 percent to 20 percent.
  • Special Incentives – Special incentives may be granted by the board of investments in strategic or transformational sectors. These special incentives are only available on special applications by investments in areas designated as strategic or transformational


  • Non-Discrimination: Both local and foreign investors: can own and operate businesses in any sector of the economy in South Sudan, except those sectors identified as areas where national investors hold priority such as postal services, cooperative services and car hire and taxi operations.
  • Guarantees against Expropriation: The RSS shall not nationalize any enterprise, nor shall any investor be compelled whether by law or any other means to cede any part of their capital. The investor will be entitled to fair and just compensation without undue delay and the investor has the right to have such compensation determined in the courts of law.
  • Protection of Intellectual Property Rights: Intellectual property rights such as trademarks, copyrights and patents are protected and enforceable in accordance with international conventions to which Sudan is party
  • Access to Public Information: Investors have direct and open access to all laws and decisions of courts, other adjudicative bodies, and to any information related to their investment.
  • Repatriation of Capital, Profits and Dividends: Investors have the right to freely repatriate their money in freely convertible currency, or dispose of it in a manner they deem fit, subject to tax and other legal obligations.
  • Dispute Resolution: An aggrieved investor will have recourse to the courts of South Sudan which have jurisdiction over business disputes. Parties to a dispute are also free to specify alternative dispute resolution mechanisms they may agree upon. Any investor in dispute with the Government has recourse to internally accepted dispute resolution mechanisms