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Press Release 5 April, 2021

The South Sudan National Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture (SSNCCIA) is deeply dismayed, saddened and shocked with the killing of Kenyan and Ugandan traders by armed men along Nimule – Juba and Juba – Yei roads.

The Chamber of Commerce is hereby condemning in the strongest term possible the killing which targeted the innocent foreign traders and therefore call on the Transitional Government of South Sudan to immediately act to apprehend the culprits.

On behave of business community, we convey our heartfelt condolences to the families of Ugandan and Kenyan nationals who lost their lives and properties in the recently separate attack in South Sudan.

The Chamber of Commerce ensures of its diligence and obligation to work closely with the government to address these shameful killing being committed by the armed men along the highways to enable safe and free movement of the traders across the country.

The Chamber and government are working to find amicable solution, we urge our Partners in the private sector in the EAC to allow the flow of goods and services to South Sudan while the security concern for the safety of drivers and Properties are address.

The current stand-off of the transporters at Elegu Border of Uganda is of a great concern to the Chamber of Commerce because it will lead to products shortage and may hike the prices of commodities in our markets.

We therefore urged our government to urgently intervene to address the Insecurity along the major roads in the country. As a representative of the private sector, we are committed to partner with the government to address the current stand-off at Elegu Border.

Salwa Bakony Monytuil

Deputy Chairperson

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